Unpaid bloggers file lawsuit vs. Huffington Post

New York-based Kurzon LLP attorneys represented unpaid writers when U.S. District Judge John G. Koeltl heard oral arguments on a motion by the Huffington Post to dismiss a class action lawsuit filed by uncompensated bloggers who gave the popular news website most of its original content.  AOL purchased Huffington Post last year for $315 million, and its owner, socialite Arianna Huffington, refused to give compensation to her more than 9,000 unpaid contributing writers.

Blogosphere & Social Media Coverage

The case struck a cord with professional bloggers and mainstream journalists alike. Writers and television news reporters tweeted links to the news release, spreading the word in the Twitterverse and social media spheres. Followers and readers shared news of the case on Facebook. Bloggers covered the case after Koeltl postponed his decision, interviewing Kurzon attorneys.

Unfortunately, Koeltl dismissed the lawsuit. However, the dismissal spawned national media coverage bringing attention to the uncompensated bloggers, scrutiny to Arianna Huffington and notoriety to Kurzon attorneys. Since Koeltl’s decision, Kurzon has filed a motion of appeal with the 2nd Circuit Court of the United States.

National Media Coverage